Hello, stranger 👋

My name is Kamil, I'm a full-stack programmer based in Poland. My background is primarily in Java and JavaScript, but I don't adhere blindly to any single language or framework. Instead, I prefer a holistic approach, selecting a right tool for the job rather than sticking to what I know or like. I believe that any project, or even a task, can be optimized according to given requirements. For me, the most exciting ones are those focused on long-term maintainability and performance. However, I also try to do my best in situations where other factors take precedence, such as time constraints or the need for simplicity of the solution. And since life is rarely black or white; most of the time, it's some sort of a tradeoff: finding the best possible solution in given circumstances.
Based on my experience, I believe that seniority and excellence are more about higher-level skills like designing robust architectures, rather than proficiency in a specific language, library, or toolset.


After hours, I'm kind of a Jack of all trades as well, as I enjoy exploring things like history, geography, and linguistics together. Recently, the latter is my favorite - I relish finding patterns, similarities, and learning about languages' origins. It's at an amateur level and I don't have any specific goal here like some academic knowledge or becoming proficient in any language. It's for my pleasure only.

